we will soon start a sourcing project of copper alloy and the main tasks to be carried out would be:
1. Creating long list of potential suppliers leveraging all available sources of information
2. Carrying out initial phone screening of all suppliers in the long list
3. Running rfi-rfq process (request for information and request for quotation)
if you are interested and available to work on this project, please advise:
1. are you employed for the moment and if yes, what %age of time at office hours you could devote to the project. We are asking this because the freelancer will need to call the suppliers for phone screening and rfi/rfq collecting and this could only be done at working hours.
2. we will pay the freelancers with usd transfer and the total fee would be calculated as a agreed daily fee * agreed number of days to be charged for each step of the tasks. So please advise a daily rate in usd.
3. the project will cover the following counties of
4. if you are interested and available to work on this project kazakstan, turkmenistan, uzkekistan and tadjikistan. Please advise which countries you could cover.
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